Thursday, February 26, 2009


Renov​ation​ has begun​ at Wareh​ouse 508 and that means​ its time to start​ takin​g your ideas​ about​ W508 and trans​latin​g them into real works​hops,​ class​es,​ conce​rts,​ art displ​ays,​ etc. to begin​ when the space​ is open.​

Give us your two cents​ (or three​ or four)​ about​ what W508 shoul​d be by takin​g our surve​y:​

W508 survey CLICK HERE 

Our Youth​ Creat​ive Counc​il will take the resul​ts of this surve​y and use them to build​ W508 
progr​ammin​g for youth​,​ by youth​.​

Calling ALL Community Members!!!

If you are interested in learning more about W508 or becoming involved, please get in contact with me. 

I love my city & I know there is an army of you out there that feel the same.


Anything from volunteering to sitting in on community meetings held every month, in which we discuss and mold what is to become W508

This project is a team effort, so please don't feel that the doors are closed on opportunities to get involved with the coolest thing happening in Albuquerque since.. Well.. This is about the coolest thing Albuquerque has offered in a good while.

P.S If you are a youth ranging from the age of 13-21 years of age, there are still several open positions on the Youth Creative Council. The YCC steers the ship when it comes to what exactly is going to happen within the walls of W508. Visit the W508 webpage and click on the link for YCC applications or call the office! (number listed on the W508 webpage) 


Youth Creative Council: The bright young faces behind the wheel of Warehouse 508.

Warehouse 508 is an arts & Entertainment venue and institute designed for youth entrepreneurial opportunities. The vision of this project (in my personal opinion) is an outlet for the youth and driven to funnel their creativity in a safe and productive environment. 

The Youth Creative Council is made up of 8 positions (Not all filled yet!) from youth as young as 16 to 22 from all corners of Albuquerque. This council is a diverse group of individuals that come from different backgrounds and subcultures within the metro area. Warehouse 508 was created to be as diverse as the city and youth it represents. 

On any given day, the YCC meets and plans events, discusses the workshops and classes that will be held at 508 once the doors open this summer. These kids have something special; the power to lead, brainstorm and create at a young and transitional age. 

As of today, the YCC has 10 unique outreach events planned throughout the months of March, April and May. Events like "Punk Prom" to "Slip n' Slide & Skimboard Comp". I shall elaborate more on the events as the YCC whips up the details. Stay tuned for more dialogue and documentary on Albuquerque's premiere arts and entertainment venue!!!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fight For The Right Follow-Up

Fight For The Right was a sensational success! Youth, parents and community members from all corners of the metro area showed up in staggering numbers. 800-1,000 to be exact. The Daily Lobo did a multimedia piece on the event and just exactly what Warehouse 508 will be once it opens its doors this summer. Enjoy.